Pale Waves, 7/6/2024, Emo’s, Austin, Photos – Write-up

Pale Waves, 7/6/2024, Emo’s, Austin, Photos – Write-up

Written and Photos by Bang Ho

I’ve lost count of how many times Pale Waves have wowed me with their amazing live shows that just fill you with a desire to sway, bob your head, sing along, or dance.  This is their tenth year and their fourth album is slated to be released in September.  It’s always a treat to see them go through all of their different sounds, from synth-pop to indie rock to pop punk and everything in between.  The one common thread tying all the songs they played were the beautiful melodies and the ability of the songs to move everyone in the room.  The only thing that bummed me out was that the set was not long enough to include some of their early classics.  If their new song Perfume is any indication of what the new album is going to sound like, it’s going to be another good one.