Sarah McLachlan, 7/5/2024, Moody Amphitheater, Austin, Write-up – Photos

Sarah McLachlan, 7/5/2024, Moody Amphitheater, Austin, Write-up – Photos

Guest written by: V. Zamorsky and Photos by Bang Ho

Seeing Sarah McLachlan in concert was as ethereal as ever. It was as if no time had passed since I saw her in Austin at Lilith Fair in 1998 and 1999 or 10 years ago. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful, and she can still evoke the same emotions that surfaced when I first started listening to her music. The Fumbling Towards Ecstasy album walked with me through very formative years and her show on Friday showcased again her ability to reach out and pull me along with her for the ride. When she sang “Fear”, you could feel the electric energy in the amphitheater. It is such a powerful song that reaches into your core through Sarah’s voice. So many great memories associated with the songs she sang to us. Despite the heat, she took us Elsewhere.