The Greeting Committee, 7/28/2024, Mohawk, Austin, Photos – Write-Up

The Greeting Committee, 7/28/2024, Mohawk, Austin, Photos – Write-Up

Written by Amanda Gutman and Photos by Bang Ho

It was another hot Austin night when KUTX presented The Greeting Committee at Mohawk on Sunday, July 28, 2024, but that didn’t keep the band from bringing the energy. Singer Addie Sartino danced throughout the set, and pretty soon the crowd was bopping along. They seamlessly blended older and newer TGC songs, even treating the audience to a skillful cover of Billie Eilish’s “Birds of a Feather.” The show crescendoed with Sartino diving into the outstretched arms of their fans, surfing overhead before being delivered back to the stage to finish out the set and showing everyone how to leave it all on the floor until next time.