Written by Noel Webber and Photos by Bang Ho
“Jared’s jacket is going on sale for $500,” Ramesh Srivastava quipped after the band was informed their merchandise had sold out halfway through their second night of playing at Mohawk in Austin. Voxtrot’s reunion tour after a 12-year hiatus was greeted with excitement from both old and new fans. Despite an unusually frigid 40-degree night, a full crowd of old friends, locals, and travelers from places like North Carolina packed the floors of the outdoor venue. The electric atmosphere was exceeded by the energy of the band. Opening with “Introduction” from their self-titled album, Ramesh, Matt, Mitch, Jared, and Jason entered the stage with smiles that rarely waned during the show. Voxtrot then launched into their diverse repertoire ranging from indie-pop tunes like “Raised by Wolves” to the heavier alt-rock tune, “Kid Gloves”. As Ramesh switched places from playing guitar to piano, the rest of the band satirically improvised a slow, jazzy interlude (it was actually smooth) that led into “Ghost”. Ramesh recounted his and Voxtrot’s rise, struggles, and learnings so closely associated with the transition from hopeful youth to sobered, sometimes melancholy adulthood as he introduced “Steven” and other songs. Bolstering the poignant nostalgia, Jennifer Moore, who had contributed to their early work, came onstage to add crisp harmony to “Long Haul”. The regular set ended with the catchy, dance-inspiring tunes of “The Start of Something” and “Wrecking Force” before the band introduced its encore set with “Warmest Part of the Winter” again joined by Jennifer Moore. Before ending their show with two of their oldest songs, “Whiskey” and “Missing Pieces”, band members discussed the thrill of performing on tour and collaborating once again. Though they didn’t tell of any further collaboration after the conclusion of their tour’s final show, I was instilled with a sense of hope that Voxtrot would return to recording new tunes for listeners to enjoy in the coming years.